1. Plug In Your GSM/GPRS modem
2. Find out which COM Port the modem is connecting
3. Start-> Accessories-> Communication-> Hyperterminal
4. Open new connection
5. “Connect using:” the correct COM port, you will see a
windows->change Bits per second to “9600” (for GSM) “115200” (for GPRS)
6. Type “AT” and press Enter (it’ll show “ok”)
7. Type “AT+CMGF=1” and press Enter (it’ll show “ok”. It is to set the GSM / GPRS modem to operate in SMS text mode. )
8. Type “AT+CMGL=”ALL” ” and press Enter (there is message received, it’ll show
” +CMGL: 1,”REC READ”, “+651234567″,,”01/01/09,09:20:20+12
Hi, How are you? ” )
9. It shows “OK” at the end.
2. Find out which COM Port the modem is connecting
3. Start-> Accessories-> Communication-> Hyperterminal
4. Open new connection
5. “Connect using:” the correct COM port, you will see a
windows->change Bits per second to “9600” (for GSM) “115200” (for GPRS)
6. Type “AT” and press Enter (it’ll show “ok”)
7. Type “AT+CMGF=1” and press Enter (it’ll show “ok”. It is to set the GSM / GPRS modem to operate in SMS text mode. )
8. Type “AT+CMGL=”ALL” ” and press Enter (there is message received, it’ll show
” +CMGL: 1,”REC READ”, “+651234567″,,”01/01/09,09:20:20+12
Hi, How are you? ” )
9. It shows “OK” at the end.